Thursday, August 21, 2008

Know All Fees You Need To Pay, And It S Not Uncommon To Hear About Payment Gateways That Charge Hidden Fees

Category: Finance.

For starters, if your website happens to have adult content, you will definitely need an adult payment gateway.

The most convenient mode of payment used in online transactions is through credit cards, and adult payment gateways accept credit card payments for you, and then credit them to your account. Secondly, if you hope to earn from the content your website has, you will need the payment processing services that only an adult payment gateway can give. Now that you know what an adult payment gateway does basically, here is a quick look at some things you should keep in mind when getting ready to sign up with payment gateway: Application time. Make sure they can make good on their claim, and if the actual approval takes more time than they promised, ask them what s the hop- up, if they say they need more time and can t give a straight or satisfactory answer, move on. Many adult payment gateways claim that their application process is the fastest and most hassle- free of all, being able to grant you approval in 48 hours or less, so long as you have the proper documents ready. Acquirer bank.

It is in your best interest to know if the payment gateway you re planning to sign up with is backed up by a stable and established acquirer bank, that way you know they will be able to secure payments made to you, come what may. All payment gateways are hooked with an acquirer bank, this is how they process payments, and adult payment gateways are no exception. Fees, hidden and known. Now all of this sounds well and good, until the bill, that is arrives. Remember that just like you, payment gateways also need to earn an income, and they do this by charging a fee for their service. Know all fees you need to pay, and it s not uncommon to hear about payment gateways that charge hidden fees.

It s as simple as that. Know what you pay for, and you ll have less to regret. Clearing service. This has been an issue with many payment gateways, as for a payment gateway to work well with the adult merchant, they must have compatible systems. Look up" common merchant account problems" and one of the things you will see there is the transaction clearing service. The merchant s software must definitely be compatible with the clearing service, or no transaction can be made, and no transaction means no money. For as long as there is money changing hands, frauds have always been there to try to filch some of it.

Anti- fraud features. Make sure the adult payment gateway has security and privacy features designed to protect the customer s payment and private information. Documentation. The less that know about your sensitive information, the less likely you are to fall victim to fraud or theft. Depending on the requirements of the acquirer bank that the adult payment gateway is working with, you may be asked to provide them with various documents, mainly to verify your credit history, and check the ownership of the business you want them to provide payment processing to. Common sense will tell you not to do business with shady companies, especially ones over the internet, where identity verification is even harder to check than it is with brick- and- mortar businesses.

Good standing. A good reputation always precedes a good company, but a bad reputation goes even further. Fellow adult merchants will know the name of adult payment gateways you should do business with, and those that you should steer clear from.


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